Wednesday, October 16, 2024

How to Access A Whole New Set of Leads By Partnering With Other Businesses

Looking for new customers? Or a way to make a whole bunch more sales? You’re going to love this strategy then! Think about other business that you could partner with, that you don’t directly compete with, where you could offer value that will make you both a lot of money. Think about the customers a business already has, and whether those same customers would be interested in your own product or service. Now, think of how you can make your offer a win-win for you and the other business. This is a great way to access a whole new database of potential clients for yourself, and give the business you’re partnering with an opportunity to upsell their current clients by offering them your service (for a cut of your fee).

For example, if you sell homemade candles, reach out to boutiques to see if they'd be willing to sell your candles (even without them buying them first - just sharing in the sales). Or if you sell a social media management or SEO service, reach out to web design firms that might not offer your services to their clients, but offer them a good chunk of the sales PLUS offer to do all the work, support, etc. for their customers AND let them market it as their own (a win-win for both).  Or if you're a programmer or have a tool of your own, reach out to market leaders in your industry who might be able to sell a lot of your product and let them white label it (sell it as their own) for a good cut of the profits while you just maintain it and do support for it. One good deal here can be more than a full-time living or a good little business all by itself.

We’ve started six and seven figure businesses by making such deals, and it all starts with just reaching out when you know both sides can benefit.

So have a look for other businesses that you don’t directly compete with that you could partner with. Then look at how them selling your product can be a win-win, whether it’s a share in sales, fulfilling a need their clients have but they don’t offer (and allowing them to market the service as their own) or white labeling your product for their clients.

To find businesses to partner with, check out our business lead tool here: Macroleads

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Why You Need Content For Your Site And Social Media?

There is no doubt about the fact that unique and attractive content is an essential part of your website and social media profiles. Excellent content, along with a well-thought out social media marketing strategy, will help your website stand out in the crowd and attract more users to your brand.

Initially, it may seem a straightforward and smooth process to write content for your website as you have to add a few pages and blog posts to your website. In actuality, the writing process is time-consuming and even exhausting to some people. Your content must be adequately planned and written for your site and social media page. You need to content to draw the right viewers in.

The quality of content primarily determines the success of a website. Other factors like design, theme, multimedia, and any others that influence the website play a secondary role. The content on your site should be done with aftermarket research and follow a reliable keyword research plan.

Content Is Used In All Things

It should go without saying that content is the most critical part of the web because it is used everywhere and for everything. Compelling content is important to increase ranking and traffic of your site. Some of the advantages of different types of content are:

• Good content increases click-throughs
• Unique and engaging web content increases the ranking of the site and improves conversions
• Attractive content like stylish images with authentic written information is necessary for good social media marketing
• Content of blog posts that is captivating maintains readers interest.
• Verified and accurate content establishes trust and bonds with customers, brands, and other companies.

Content Builds Trust

Content is one of the many ways to exhibit your business’ integrity and credibility. As a result, the audience will begin to trust your products or services, and sales will increase. By producing great content thhat reassures the customers that you're the real deal, you can set your brand apart and attract more consumers.
Building trust through good content is an excellent content marketing strategy which can be implemented in the following ways:

• Ask a renowned person related to your industry to write for your website.
• Try to get a guest post on a respected newspaper, magazine, or blog.
• Ask customers to give feedback on your website and social media accounts.
• Hire an influencer to promote your product with your content. Nowadays, many social media influencers, especially on Instagram, are doing this kind of promotional activities.

Content Creates Loyal Customers

Regular updates are necessary on your website, so providing free information to the audience of your website and social media accounts builds loyalty among the customers. If you provide valued content to your audience, they will be happy with your brand as their time spent in your business will not be wasted. As a result, whenever you publish content, your followers will keep checking in with your site and social media.

Content is important for SEO

Google’s algorithms of SEO have evolved a lot in the past few years. They have become more determined in removing any bad quality content from the top SERPs and keeping the best quality content on the top. Search engines, like Google, are continuously updating their algorithms and crawling the web to improve the quality of the search results for the user.

Google rewards fresh and up-to-date content. Hence, it is important to keep uploading new content on your website and updating the existing content as well to maintain a firm grip on the SERPs. Moreover, search engines penalize the pages which are full of keywords and using a single term too many times. It is important to produce SEO-optimized content for better ranking of your website.

Content on Social Media Improves Customer Service

Social media has bridged the gap between businesses and consumers. You can give instant replies to any of queries or feedback of the customers on social media. With time and proper social media marketing strategy, the business social media pages expand their reach and can connect with more potential customers. However, it is only possible if the content on your social media profiles is exceptional and attractive for your targeted audience.

If you are interested in producing great content for your website and social media accounts, it doesn't have to be hard. The process can easily be outsourced and automated. Programs like Robot Author are available to help.

Monday, October 14, 2024

How To Find Domain Owners From Around The Globe

How many of us wish we could find out the domain owner of a website, but we end up finding the host instead of the original owner? Sometimes we find nothing at all. A popular domain can be a precious treasure, but before you begin your hunt, you'll need a clear purpose in mind. Work out the what and the why that surround your need for this domain, and then ask these two important questions:

1. Why do I need to find the domain owner?
2. What will I gain afterwards?

Before diving into the details of finding the domain owner of a website, lets found out the importance of the owners themselves.

Why Find Out Who Owns A Domain Name?

There are numerous advantages to finding the domain owner. Some of them may include the following things to consider:

1. Hundreds of domains are sold on a daily basis. If you're interested in buying an existing domain, finding the contact details of that domain owner is the first obvious step. Doing so will help you to get in touch to discuss the details and probability of a sale. You will be able to inquire about the domain sale in details directly from the source, the owner.

2. If you need a specific domain name for your site, but it is already used by someone else, you can contact the domain owner directly and make an offer for your domain purchase.

3. Domain age can also be calculated online. So before buying a domain, you can check the renewal period, and make a smart bid to the owner as you negotiate for a successful purchase.

4. Checking the owner of other domains can aid you with your own websites as well. When you look up the details of a domain like its age, links, and owner information, you can get a ton of information about these websites and compare them with your own. This presents the opportunity for great competitive analysis.

5. You want to sell your services or product to the domain owner.

If you need to, you can also ensure that your personal details are showing correctly on domain owner checkers online.

Finding The Domain Owners

Now coming to the primary purpose, there are numerous resources which can be helpful in finding domain name owners. Some of them are: is an excellent tool for finding domain owners. All you have to do is type the domain name in the search bar, and the owner details will be displayed to you. It is an excellent tool because even if you do not know the domain name, you can search the keywords. Once the domain is searched successfully, an extensive list of information is shown about the domain itself. This information includes the registrar of the domain, their email and contact details, domain status, date of creation, last date when the domain was updated, and the period of domain registration expiration.

All of this information is important. It will give you an idea of whether you should buy the domain on the basis of the creation and expiration date. For example, you might want to buy a domain that was created 20 years ago. If it's going to expire the next year, there are minimal chances at best that the owner will sell it to you. Not only that, but you will need a considerable amount of money to buy such an old domain. provides sufficient information about the domain and its owner, but some other resources can give out more comprehensive information about domains you're interested in.


DomainTools is another great resource. The website has many of its own unique and special features along with those provided by WhoIs. Every detail about the domain given by is shown by the DomainTools as well. You can also see other information about the site structure itself like response code, the type of the server it uses, the number of pictures on the website, links and their types, and even its SEO score are all displayed.

This information is essential when you're setting up a similar site to your competitor's. You can check the details of your competitive websites online easily and plan your marketing strategies according to the information readily available to you. You can also analyze your own website quickly and easily and make any required changes for improvement.

What To Do After Finding The Domain Owner?

The answer to this question is subjective to your own requirements. What was your purpose of seeking out the domain owner in the first place?

If you want to buy the domain, you can contact the domain owner via formal email and ask him or her to sell their domain by making an appropriate bid. Another option you can use it hire a domain name broker to manage the negotiations and transfer process. Sedo and HostGator Domain Tool, are two of the many popular domain brokers.

If you want to sell your product or service to that domain owner (a lead) you can contact the owner directly with a detailed offer.

If you need more detailed information fast on domains and websites you might also want to consider Domain Lead Pro. This is one of many programs that can automate, simplify, and significantly hasten the process.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

What Should Be In A Good Blog Post And Why

It would not be wrong to say that people’s interest in blogging has hit the highest point in recent years. Some people believe that blogs are dying, but more accurate they're evolving. Make no mistake, blogs are here to stay, but they're more competitive than ever. With social media, freelancing, and SEO becoming widely used around the world, the trend of blogging has dramatically increased in recent times. Millions of blogs are being written on a daily basis, but there are some basic tips and techniques which should be implemented in every excellent and engaging blog post you write.

Captivating Title and Headline

Many writers tend to ignore the fact that a good blog post is always about just one idea. There is no need to add numerous ideas and topics in a single blog post because the primary purpose of a post is to discuss and elaborate on one idea. A good title is the one that captures the readers’ attention at the very first glance and briefly describes the content of the post. It should be based on the pattern of an engaging magazine headline or a newsflash that attracts the user and forces them to click the link.

You should take time in crafting a fantastic headline for your post because it will be the first item that any readers see, and if it is not catchy enough for the user, you may lose a potential reader.

An Engaging Opening Paragraph

The importance of the first impression of a user cannot be understated. A large amount of data is available on the web that will support this. With all the content out there, it has become much more challenging to hold readers' attention. No one's going to read for an extended period of time, unless the content is unique and engaging.

An opening paragraph of a blog post is crucial to keep your reader interested in your writing. Blog posts should always start with something interesting like an amazing quote, a thought-provoking question, or a bold statement.

Targeted Audience

A good blog post is the one which targets a specific audience, depending on the topic and relevance of the post. In order to write a good post, you should know who your audience is and what they are searching for. Targeting an audience is vital to make sure your content reaches the right kind of readers who are interested in the category on which the post is written. A post that's targeted is more effective in attracting more traffic to your blog as well as keeping the readers glued.

Many blogs become successful by smartly guessing the demands and interest of their audience; however, it should be done in a professional way. Consider using different tools available on the internet to determine the requests your readers might make. Some of these tools might include Twitter Advanced Search, Keyword Tools. SEMrush, and many others.

Unique and Interesting Content

Excellent blog posts not only manage to capture the reader's attention through engaging headlines and opening sentences but also maintain interest throughout the post. The content of any blog post should be exciting and unique. Make sure the reader isn't bored and reads the the entirety of your content. Any point or opinion discussed in the post should be supported by some evidence or logic to present your thoughts clearly to the readers. High authority, trustworthy links are great when possible. Clear, comprehensive, and unambiguous writing always attracts the readers and keeps them involved.

Using Subheadings And Smaller Paragraphs

A well-presentable blog post is essential to make it easily readable for the users. Majority of the people skim through a blog post before deciding to read it, so it is important to format the blog posts properly. It can be done by dividing a post into several headings and subheadings with small paragraphs to clearly indicate the topic of each section.

Using bullet points and numbering can be done to make it easy on the reader’s eyes and keep them engaged throughout the article. Design, style, and format of the blog should be selected appropriately according to the type of blog.

Some the tips in using bullet points are:

• Treat the bullets as small headings to write concise and clear points.
• The bullets should be symmetrically formatted.
• Avoid excessive bullet points


Visual content is the tried and tested method of immediately capturing the user’s attention. Captivating pictures can boost the traffic of your blog quickly and easily. You should take or design your own unique images for the blog. If you can't find or design original images yourself, there are numerous online free resources available to get the photos for your content. Consider programs like Canva, websites like Pexels, Morguefile, and Pixabay for open-sourced, copyright free photos.

SEO Optimization

SEO is an essential part of any kind of online content, including blogs. Organic searches are a huge part of the traffic blogs will see. Your content must follow the SEO best practices and the media used in your website is SEO optimized for higher ranking on the search engine result pages.

Some of the tips of optimizing a blog post are:

• Write an appropriate meta title
• The meta description should be added to clearly describe the post
• Focus keywords should be used
• Images and video should be optimized.
• Using internal links for optimization.

If you need any help in setting up a blog and writing good and captivating blog posts, you should considered Robot Author for further help with streamlining the process of creating great online content for your blog.

Friday, October 11, 2024

How to Show Value and Position Your Price to Encourage Customers to Buy

One way to show value and highlight the great price you’re offering your customers is to point out when you are giving a discount or savings, as this lets customers know you’re giving them a great deal and lots of value. A discount also has a psychological effect - we feel we are getting a better deal and are more likely to buy. Seeing that an item is discounted not only is an incentive to buy it now, it can also encourage new users to buy that might otherwise have not considered it.

For example, when listing your price, you might write: "$97 --- 50% Off Today!" This makes people feel they are getting a great deal, helps them justify the purchase to themselves and is more likely to push them over the line.

If you have several similar offers that are slightly better or more/less expensive than the other, instead of just listing off the benefits of each one next to their price, you can also not only list off the savings, but say “Good Deal,” “Better Deal,” and “Best Deal” next to each one (or “Most Savings” or something similar). Never assume that people will just do the math in their head and know which one is the best deal.

Think about how you can apply this to your business. Can you put a savings amount next to a price point (eg, “$97 --- 50% Off Today!)? This makes customers feel they are getting a great deal and can encourage customers to buy that may not have bought before.

After more tips to show customers the value of your product? For more marketing tricks and strategies, check out this book here: 50 Marketing Tips & Tricks Learned After $100 Million in Sales Over 20 Years!

Thursday, October 10, 2024

How to Get Leads To Promote Your Product Or Service

What is Lead Generation?

Over the years, the techniques and strategies of the marketing of business have evolved a lot. Lead generation has become an essential phenomenon in marketing. It is the process of attracting potential customers to your products and services via social media platforms, email updates, and strong word-of-mouth. A lead is considered to be a qualified and hot lead when the consumer is not only attracted to your business but also has a need for your products or services.

What is the Importance of Lead Generation?

Initially, lead generation is vital in gathering information about the behavior of your potential customers. After compilation and detailed analysis of the collected data, you can devise effective strategies to market your business for the targeted customer base.

It is crucial to attracting a large number of people to your websites, so the products and the services offered by your company are promoted among a vast amount of people.

Lead generation is a time-consuming process that needs skills and research. However, it has become an essential part of today’s competitive business marketing. Different types of businesses can adopt different strategies for lead generation; however, some of the most common and effective strategies are as follows:

1. Determine Your Target Audience

The most important step of lead generation is to identify your target audience. It is challenging to promote your products efficiently if you are not sure of your own potential buyers. Therefore, it is important to research your audience and have an unambiguous idea of your customer base.

Information about the targeted audience commonly includes their age group to determine the tone of the ads, their residential areas, or living standards to set the budget and pricing of the products and the general lifestyle of your audience.

2. Create an effective promotion plan for your business

The promotional plan of your business should be exceptional to stand out from your competition and attract people towards your products and services. Such promotional and marketing techniques include blogs for your business along with vlogs, social media presence, and pay per click (PPC) advertising. Such modern techniques will help you in generating hot leads for the promotion of your business.

3. Use an Email Newsletter to Build Relationships

Once you have come into contact with the possible buyers, you should try to cultivate a healthy relationship with them. It can be achieved in a number of ways, for example, sending updates via social media, or using email newsletters. As a result, a stable communication channel is established with the customers, and they will be familiar with any new launches in your business.

4. Social Media

Social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram are playing a huge role in the success of small businesses. It is an instant method of generating leads and successful promotion of your products and services. The business owners must keep in mind that just creating a social media page is not enough. They have to be regular in updating it as well.

Any major announcement related to your business should be promoted on social media accounts. Interaction with the users is very important, which can be done via holding live sessions, replying to any queries as soon as possible, and posting regular updates. Engagement is necessary for lead generation, so make sure that your social media pages are reaching a considerable number of people.

5. Webinars and Giveaways

Webinars and live sessions have become very popular as they provide quick and easy engagement with the customers. The users also prefer to get their queries answered quickly, so they are more likely to join online live sessions of your business and get any necessary updates about the products and services offered by your company.

Moreover, giveaways on social media pages and websites is also a massive attraction of people towards your business as giveaway posts are shared in considerable numbers in a short amount of time. Social media influencers are often hired by the customers to share the pages and posts about giveaways, which attracts many leads to your business.

6. Use Lead Magnets

As the name suggests, a lead magnet is a way of attracting leads to your products and convincing them to utilize them. At a small price, the customer should be provided a considerable output, especially at the start of the business, to make sure it is able to survive in the economic conditions.

An enticing offer makes the users sign-up on your website or register for regular updates. Many businesses poll their audience to get an idea of the demand of your customers.

7. Consider some Online Tools

If you are interested in the lead generation for the promotion of your products and services, you should really look into Domain Lead Pro.

Monday, October 7, 2024

How to market to B2B Lead

One of the most important things to understand is that leads are far more than just random people who might be interested in your business. A lead is someone who needs what your business has to offer. The only thing you should have to do is capture their attention and easily be able to convince them that your products and services supply that need.

The generation of high quality leads is the most important part of business-to-business(B2B) marketing. Solid leads ensure steady growth and income. Some of the most important straategies you can consider are:

Creating and Publishing High-Quality Content Regular

All the techniques and strategies to promote your business and generate more leads boil down to the one thing that is most important in any online presence, the content. It's true to say that content is the king in any regard. You must make sure that the material published on your webpage is high-quality, reliable, and engaging to your users.

High-quality content enhances the reliability and credibility of your business and further plays a huge role in expanding your customer base via better ranking on search engines. Make sure that your website is providing some insightful information to your visitors and is not dull in tone and writing style.

Regular and consistent content publication is also key in keeping customers engaged with your business and any of the latest updates associated with it. An informative, engaging, and entertaining piece of content will grab eyeballs and establish loyalty among customers.

Develop Referral Programs

Research has shown that B2B companies with good referrals programs have a 70% higher conversion rates and good sales as well. A satisfied customer will market your business to others via word of mouth. Referral programs are essential in the success of any business.

There are many ways of creating a good program. You can create referral codes that are easily customized and provide discounts to potential customers. It facilitates the marketing team of a company to determine the source of the majority of your leads and to learn how many of them are converting into loyal customers for your products or services.

Create an Optimized and Engaging Landing Page

The landing page of your business website must be able to captivate the users' attention via proper design and be stylish. You have to set it apart from competitors, so consider viewing their landing pages first.
The page should be optimized according to the SEO standards. Moreover, it's unnecessary to add all of your most generous offers and discounts on the landing page because research suggests that a grand, single offer is far more enticing to potential customers rather than aoverwhelming them numerous offers placed on the same page.

The goal of the business should be made crystal clear on the landing page. Your message about your products, services, and unique selling proposition should be unambiguous. The primary goal of an optimized landing page is to convert the users into leads, rather than conversions. Make the content exciting and engaging for the users and convince them of the importance and quality of your business.

Landing Page Forms

The forms used on a landing page should be clear, concise, and engaging, which makes it easier for potential leads to enter their information. In this way, you can create B2B leads and market your business successfully.

Marketing via Social Media for B2B Lead Generation

Social media has become an essential part of peoples' lives around the world. Such heavy use of social media means your business has a good chance of attracting people from social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Company pages on LinkedIn are also perfect for lead generation with professionals and entrepreneurs. Linkedin is an ideal B2B marketing platform. Such professionals often search LinkedIn for products and services as well as employees. Your business standing out on LinkedIn, could be a major key to success.

Marketing through social media is also crucial because businesses can interact with potential customers directly and answer their queries instantly. As a result, users are more likely to take interest in your business, following any new updates about it through social media accounts.

Social media advertising doesn't just work for consumer marketing models. Various platforms on social media, including Facebook, are becoming popular marketing tools for B2B leads.

Ads on these websites reach hundreds of thousands of people, sometimes more. They can be specifically targeted to a group of users based on their gender, age, and interests. As a result, many highly relevent leads can be generated this way.


Pay-per-click (PPC) is a highly efficient but expensive tool for marketing and lead generation. If your marketing is laser-focused on the target audience of your business, you are likely to generate plenty of leads via PPC. However, modern technology, like different ad blockers, can impede this process because it is also possible that some of your targeted users may not even view the ads if they are blocking them.

Automatated Programs

If you need help marketing your business and B2B lead generation, you might be interested in the Macroleads program for an easy way to generate successful B2B leads marketing. You can automate and streamline the process saving you time while simultaneous increasing the efficiency of your marketing.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Make It Easy For Customers To Buy: How Offering Free Trials/Demonstrations Can Boost Your Sales

Sometimes it’s hard to see the benefit of something we haven’t seen in action or tried first. Offering a free trial period, or a demonstration of your product, can be a great way to alleviate a potential customer’s fears and make them confident the product will work for them. Also, once someone has tried something free they often feel obliged to reciprocate by purchasing from you - it’s the principle of reciprocity in action.

For example, if you have a software product, offer a free 30 day trial, so customers can see how it works, use it and see the results they get from it. You’ll get customers who may have sat on the fence or not purchased previously all of a sudden be ready to buy because they can get a chance to experience how great the product can actually be for them.

There’s one tip we’ve learned over the years that can greatly increase your retention rate here (or essentially how many stay on past the trial period), and that’s to offer a free trial, but require them to enter their credit card or payment details. Instead of charging them, which can decrease the conversion rates even more, just authorize their credit cards for $1 or so (this is typically where their card temporarily sees a charge for like $1 that never officially goes through – similar to what many gas stations do when you pay at the pump). If you use Paypal, you don’t even have to worry as much about this and can just do a straight trial for X days that automatically charges once the trial ends (Paypal is typically very good at getting money from customers, whereas for credit cards you often have to authorize them to make sure that they’re legit to start with).

You can also use trials as “special offers” whenever you want to run a sale. For instance, if you regularly sell a software tool for $997 / year, you can have a special offer where you do a free trial for 14 or 30 days. This can get a ton of people who’ve been on the fence to jump on this offer, as they know that the only other way for them to try out the software would be to pay $997 upfront.

So make it easy for customers to see the value in your product and purchase from you by offering a free trial or demonstration of your product. You’ll get a chance to make them feel comfortable with your product and see how great it is for them, before having to lay down their hard-earned cash. This in turn leads to more sales, especially from people who may have been skeptical about your product without the chance to try it first.

For more tips on sales and converting leads, check out this book 50 Marketing Tips & Tricks Learned After $100 Million in Sales Over 20 Years!.

Friday, October 4, 2024

How Outsourcing An Offer That You Sell Can Make More Money For Your Business

There’s only so much time in the day, and although it can be a great idea to add extra services that you sell and fulfill yourself, it’s not always practical. This is why it can be a great idea to look for other services or offers that you can sell yourself but easily outsource to others to do with little to no work on your part.

For instance, you might be a web designer that often gets requests to create and add videos to your clients’ sites, but it might either be very time consuming or nearly impossible for you to create nice looking videos to sell as a service even if you could get hundreds to thousands of dollars per sale for them.

Instead of just passing on that easy money, why not look for others online who already offer those services, reach out to them, markup their prices (or make them more “done for you” to increase the value and prices you can charge) and get permission to use their testimonials, social proof, examples, sales pages, etc. as your own (or that you can modify) to sell to your own clients. This can be a great way of making extra money at huge margins.

For instance, there’s often places online like,,, etc., that have tons of workers for almost anything you can think of. In some cases, you can find workers who can make nice looking videos for $25 to $50 (less in some cases) and you could turn around and sell that service for hundreds to even thousands of dollars.

We’ve done that with a variety of services ranging from social media management to video creation, and it’s easy money without any work or extra hassles on our part. And it’s a win-win, because our prospects really wanted those offers and would’ve likely bought something similar at some point, so why not have them buy from us?

Adding a couple of these services of your own can be super easy, add almost no work to your plate, but make you a fortune almost completely hands free!

So be on the lookout for other services or offers that you can sell that you’re able to outsource to others for pennies on the dollar. This can add some easy money to your sales funnels without adding extra work for you to do.

For more great marketing and sales tips to increase your business, check out this book 50 Marketing Tips & Tricks Learned After $100 Million in Sales Over 20 Years!.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

How To Reach Out To Local Business Leads

For many people, their businesses are their primary source of income and the way they provide for their families. In order for a business to continue generating a steady source of income, and to grow, a business needs to seek new clients. Anyone who's been in business for a day can tell you how competitive it is. Your customers have plenty of businesses to choose from so you have to go out and find them. It's hard to be found by new customers, but luckily in the age of the internet we have thousands of platforms and means to advertise and market ourselves.

There are many ways to start with lead generation and it can be done through platforms like Google and social media. Many businesses also like to use a landing page along with other methods to generate leads. Using landing pages effectively can be a great way to gather leads, but first you have to get your leads to visit them.

Whether your business is online or offline both avenues are great for getting the word out about what your business is doing. Many believe multimedia marketing is only for the big dogs in the business, but local companies have many avenues before them as well.

1: Paper Publication Advertising

If you're trying to draw in certain groups or demographics, local magazines or newspapers may be the way to go. This is a great way to reach people locally and to reach a specific audience since magazines and paper publications that operate by subscription will cater to a certain audience. By using local publications you also have a higher probability of reaching people in the neighborhood. Even in 2020 there are still ways to be effective in newspaper advertising as well.

2: Online Paid Ads

Pay per click and similar methods of online advertising are still alive and well and with customizable tools and targeting options, ads on platforms like Google, Instagram and Facebook are becoming better than ever. These platforms allow you to set custom budgets and running times as well as specialized goals and targeting options. Social media is ideal for reaching customers because you can reach out to potentially millions or even billions all over the world, but you can narrow them to those who are most likely to take an interest in your business. Local businesses can utilize this incredible option as well, since the ads programs allow you to also target your customers geographically and may even be able to track local behaviors like store visits. Many businesses are using social media to advertise their business as well as to generate leads on platforms like Facebook. Online ads are the ideal way to reach out to potential clients and customers as well as prospective leads globally, nationally, and yes, locally, at the click of a button.

3: Google

Google is the most widely used search engine in the world. While the platform allows you to potentially reach millions or perhaps even billions of customers all over the world, it's also ideal for gathering local leads and clients as well. Did you know? More than half of smart phone users locally find services on Google by simply typing a business or service name then the words “near me” into search engines to find what they need locally. Optimizing your business webpage, landing page, and social media page as well as local results is an ideal way to find the people you need locally. All local entrepreneurs should consider optimizing their listings on Google My Business.
4: Business Cards

Local businesses are still often relying on tried and true methods, and where the modernization of the digital age hasn't rendered these methods obsolete it has in many ways improved them. Online websites like Vistaprint make it easier than ever to print paper promotional materials like business cards and flyers to help you get the word out in person when the times comes. Design is made easy by online wizards or cheap freelancer services, and if you prefer not to wait for shipment you can even pick them up at your local Stores that offer this service.

Business cards are still a tried and true method for networking and reaching out to local clients and should be carried on you at all times. Often business owners have complained of networking and business opportunities arising in daily conversation, only to realize they had nothing to give the potential client who may have been to rushed to take down a number. Business cards are still a great way to make people aware of your business, social media pages, web pages, and may even be a great way to draw local traffics to your leads pages.

5: Direct Mail

Many in the business world still have mixed views about direct mail marketing, but it is certainly still effective even as a means of lead generation. It takes some work and research but you can market and reach out to leads effectively through direct mail marketing and it is an assured way to reach out to local leads since you know all your recipients are in the neighborhood. Direct mail marketing may not be as effective as it used to be, but many businesses are still using as effective way to expand their client base.

6: Automated Programs

One thing that's making life easier for business owners of every size and stripe, is the development of software that automates and streamlines the process. Programs like Macroleads allows you to organize your leads and reach out far more effectively to potential clients, all while saving precious time.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

How to Increase Your Prices and Boost Your Business’s Profits

People often overlook this very simple, very easy way to increase their business’s profits: increase your prices. Most people tend to undercharge for their services, so try increasing your prices, as a test, and see what happens. Funnily enough, most people perceive something that is higher priced as being of higher quality, which can encourage people to buy your product or service. As you increase your prices, you’re also receiving more per sale, increasing your profit margin. Take this strategy a step further and target higher value clients.

For example, if you run a business coaching company, and you currently charge $200 an hour for your time, increase your rates to $1000. With the perceived higher quality and value in your coaching, target businesses that make a lot of money vs. those that are barely getting by. In this example, one client would be worth 5 of your clients in the past. Not only have you raised your hourly rate, but you’ve decreased the amount of work you need to do to earn the same amount of money.

An interesting example we’ve had before is when we’ve sold courses or software for $7 vs. $497 vs. $997+. Although the $7 price gets the most conversions, the $997 price would almost always make tons more money. You just have to make sure you do a good job of showing the value!

So test out this simple tip and try increasing your prices and targeting customers who have more money to spend on your product/service.

For more easy ways to grow your profits and increase your sales check out this book: 50 Marketing Tips & Tricks Learned After $100 Million in Sales Over 20 Years!.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

How To Sell To Other Businesses

Business to marketing seems like a foreign language to many people who are trying it for the first time. The consumer markets seems so much plainer and easier, after all, we're dealing with every day people. With businesses we feel we are dealing with some mysterious entity or some divine VIP, a thing whose persona is foreign to everything we knew in the every day human consciousness.

The reality that most people miss, and it's a well-kept secret, businesses are people. They are decision makers, executives, highly paid company officers, and even midgrade managers. At the end of the day though, they are people, selling to other businesses is no different than selling to people, except that you have to consider the kind of person you're selling to. Much of this involves trying to get into a person's head. What does a business owner or manager need and/or want? What things will improve their lives, and more importantly, the operations of their business? Answering these questions is the first key to selling to other businesses.

1: Identify Your VIP

The first step in creating a strong pitch for your product and service is considering your VIP, there may be more than one to consider depending on how the decisions are made. You have to know who you're selling to and then consider how your business can benefit them personally. As we discussed, you're dealing with real people, and they taking their own needs and desires into consideration as well as their roles in serving the greater needs of the company. Is your contact a buyer, a manger, or a business owner?

Depending on who you're speaking to, you'll want to come with ideas and features about what you have to offer and how it makes their lives easy as well benefiting their employer.

2: Don't Just Sell, Give Them Something They Can Use

Whoever your VIP may be, you can expect that someone has found them too, and they probably get multiple pitches a day for what you have to offer. A simple letter with a sales pitch is no longer enough to draw people in anymore. Because of this, you want to attach your sales pitch to something they can use. Many companies do this by offering white papers. White papers may be written as guides on important industry topics and trends, and may even highlight problems the industry is facing. This can be accompanied by a pitch explaining how you offer a solution. Either way the white papers are free and useful, so there's no harm in reading.

Writing effective white papers isn't easy, but it can be done.

3: Start With Value Over Price

When you're making a pitch to any business, you may find yourselves in the middle of a bidding war. Too many entrepreneurs focus in only on their prices as a way to put their best foot forward. While pricing certainly is important, it's far more vital to highlight the value your product has to offer. What can your product do that others can't. Can it save the company time or money even while requiring an investment? Can it make life easier for managers or help improve employee morale and productivity?

When you're making your bid don't advertise that you are cheap. If anything this will raise red flags if it's all you have to offer.

4: Highlight The Business Benefits

Whether it's in consumer to consumer or business to business marketing, even professionals have made this terrible mistake in copy-writing. Never just tell someone about the features of what you have to offer. Features are boring and no one wants to hear you list them all day long. They want to know how what you have to offer is going to solve a common problem. Just don't tell them “My computers have a lot of RAM” but instead consider, “Are you tired of losing valuable company time and money waiting for your computers to load? With our CPUs high RAM capability your upload, download, and processing speeds will be through the roof. You'll save time, money, and your business will be moving at lightning speed when processing your data!”

Benefits are everything. Nobody wants to know what you can do, everyone wants to know what you can do “For me”

5: Make it Easy To Act

Your call to action (CTA) is the grand finale of any pitch you write. It needs be dazzling and out of the park, but more importantly, it needs to be easy to act upon. Links in emails should be large, thought not obnoxious, and easy to see and click on, and MUST NOT BE BROKEN OR INACCURATE. Contact info should be prominent, accurate, and very visible. Like it or not, nobody likes a hassle. If your final pitch is hard to act on, even a little, or your lead finds it hard to get in touch you may lose your sale to someone else out of sheer convenience.

6: Gather Leads
This probably should have been the first step, but you need to gather solid prospective leads to sell to. It means nothing if you have the greatest product in the world and killer sales pitch to back it up, and no relevant people to sell it to. Gathering leads can be tricky, but made much easier by programs like Macroleads that help you organize, streamline, and even somewhat automate the process.

How to Access A Whole New Set of Leads By Partnering With Other Businesses

Looking for new customers? Or a way to make a whole bunch more sales? You’re going to love this strategy then! Think about other business th...